is a designer an educater and artist
My first contact with creativity was when I was working as an assistant for a photographer. There I also had the opportunity to try some other creative parts, like styling and painting backsides for the photosetting.
Afterwards I did my education as a stylist at the international fashion school ESMOD in Munich. I have been working for 5 years as a designer before I started to work on my former school as a teacher for fashion illustration, fashion design and trend research.
I did this for 15 years.
After my son was born, I made an education as a Educator for small children. I loved it so much to be a mum, so I wanted to share it also with other children. At the moment I work in a kindergarden specially for children that have need for more attention and love. I love my work.
In 2024 I finished my education as therapist for art and creativity. So, my aim to help and my joy to be creative, will come together. The circle is closed.